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    Monday, November 9, 2015

    Mystical Oasis Town Found In The Middle Of The Driest Place On Earth

    Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, in one of the driest climates in the world, resides a magnificent oasis town with lush palm trees, flourishing foliage, and a tranquil lagoon which is said to have special powers. Sounds like a fairy tale right? Well, surprisingly, this place exists! The magical town is called Huacachina, and can be found in a barren desert in Peru.
    Visitors can visit the surreal settlement and the 96 residents who thrive on running small businesses on their greatest resource, sand.
    Huacachina, Peru
    Tucked away in one of the driest locations on earth, is Huacachina; a town complete with trees, hotels, shops and even an oasis library!
    Huacachina, Peru
    An aerial view of the Huacachina oasis in Ica, Peru, 300 km south of Lima. The settlement is home to 96 residents, who live around the lagoon.
    Huacachina, Peru
    The lake is believed by some to have healing powers, and in the 1940s, wealthy Peruvians would travel to the location to bathe in its waters.
    Huacachina, Peru
    The lake is naturally formed, but the story goes that a young princess was bathing when she was discovered by a hunter. She fled, leaving behind a pool of water. Her flowing cloak was said to have created the surrounding sand dunes. 
    Huacachina, Peru
    Now, descendants of the Inca people make their living by hosting and assisting guests coming from afar to climb to the top of a wind-sculptured sand dune and watch the sunset illuminate the golden landscape, before sailing down the slopes on rented sandboards or buggies.
    Huacachina, Peru
    Located 4 kms from the southern city of Ica, when you arrive at the 'Oasis of America,' one of the last oasis' in North and South America, you are greeted by the sights of rustic hotels, quaint shops and even an oasis library, surrounding the water body.
    Huacachina, Peru
    The picturesque village is even featured on the back of the 50 Nuevo Sol note (Peru’s official currency). Like most deserts, the temperature is typically hot, sunny and dry with very little rain. Season time falls between May and August, which is considered winter time for the region.
    Huacachina, Peru
    Huacachina, Peru
    Huacachina residents rent out sandboards and buggies for backpackers who travel to this magical town. Visitors can experience the impressive sand dunes and magnificent views.
    Huacachina, Peru
    Huacachina, Peru
    Huacachina, Peru
    The area has been declared a national cultural heritage site by the National Institute of Culture, and it is hoped that this tranquil oasis will never become a mirage in the desert.
    Huacachina, Peru
    Magical isn't it?

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