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    Sunday, November 1, 2015

    11 Wikipedia Articles That Will Not Let You Sleep Tonight

    How many of you try and avoid scary movies and books before going to sleep at night? Because, if you do, this is one article you had better not go through. Unlike horror flicks and novels, these incidents are real and documented on your most trusted site online for any information – Wikipedia. If that does not faze you, go on and read about these 11 creepiest Wikipedia articles that’ll send chills up your spine.

    1. Sleep paralysis

    Wikipedia Articles That Will Not Let You Sleep Tonight
    Ever had the sensation of not being able to move, talk or do anything at all in the middle of the night whilst you were asleep? An experience that is almost supernatural in the way it affects people, it is terrifying to say the least. Click here to read the whole story.

    2. Carl Tanzler

    Wikipedia Articles That Will Not Let You Sleep Tonight
    You don’t know what love is till you dig up a person who died two years ago and live with them for seven years – and are only separated from each other when you’re discovered by the authorities. We. Kid. You. Not. Click here to read the whole story.

    3. Death of Elisa Lam

    Wikipedia Articles That Will Not Let You Sleep Tonight
    Watched the chilling 2005 Hollywood horror ‘Dark Water’? What if we told you that something quite like that happened eight years later to a 21-year-old Chinese Canadian woman suffering from bipolar disorder? AND there’s a video to scare you shitless, to boot. Click here to read the whole story.

    4. Unit 731

    Wikipedia Articles That Will Not Let You Sleep Tonight
    World War II was more than just the Holocaust, Pearl Harbour, and the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. And this covert RnD unit of the Japanese Army proves it. Human experimentation has probably never been so horrifying. For instance: taking out organs from living people without anaesthesia. And that’s one tiny part of it. Click here to read the whole story.

    5. Fatal familial insomnia

    Wikipedia Articles That Will Not Let You Sleep Tonight
    We all know that insomnia is exhausting, but did you know that there is a type of insomnia that can literally kill you? Fatal familial insomnia is an inherited brain disease that leads you to hallucinations, delirium, dementia, and finally death – all in the span of 18 months! Clickhere to read the whole story.

    6. Joyce Vincent 

    Wikipedia Articles That Will Not Let You Sleep Tonight
    How long can a death go unnoticed? A day? A week? A month? This 38-year-old woman was dead for two years before anyone knew! A recluse with no visitors, she died inside her house while the TV was on. For two years the TV kept running, and her corpse kept decomposing. Click here to read the whole story.

    7. Rat King 

    Wikipedia Articles That Will Not Let You Sleep Tonight
    Rats are disgusting creatures by themselves, but nothing is worse than this phenomenon. Imagine a whole group of rats intertwined at their tails – stuck together with blood, dirt, and/or faeces – and seemingly becoming one whole entity! Well, this is what nightmares are made of. Click here to read the whole story.

    8. Cotard delusion 

    Wikipedia Articles That Will Not Let You Sleep Tonight
    Remember all those Goth kids from your younger days? This is a rare mental disease that they’d wish they had. The afflicted person has a delusion that they are dead – literally or figuratively. Also known as the Walking Corpse Syndrome, this disease can lead to actual death, ironically. Click here to read the whole story.

    9. Premature burial 

    Wikipedia Articles That Will Not Let You Sleep Tonight
    If asked what the scariest way to die is – the answers will no doubt be creative. But did you know that live burial is one of the biggest fears? Whether it is execution, unintentional, or voluntary – the idea of asphyxiating, dehydrating, and starving to death in a dark box under the earth is a disturbing idea. Click here to read the whole story.

    10. June and Jennifer Gibbons 

    Wikipedia Articles That Will Not Let You Sleep Tonight
    Truth is stranger than fiction – and the story of ‘The Silent Twins’ – June and Jennifer Gibbons is one such example. The two girls only communicated with each other, and wrote disturbing stories that went on to be published – and their relationship had a mysterious endwhen one of them died. Click here to read the whole story.

    11. Coffin birth 

    Wikipedia Articles That Will Not Let You Sleep Tonight
    What do you think happens to a dead pregnant woman who is buried? The foetus dies too, of course – but did you know that in rare cases, the foetus is delivered post death due to the build-up of increasing pressure of internal gases? Click here to read the whole story.
    Hope you have a good night’s sleep, now!

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