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    Saturday, October 17, 2015

    One Home Remedy That Promises To Cure Everything From Blood Pressure To Weight Gain!

    One Home Remedy To Cure Infertility, High Blood Pressure, Lung Diseases, Gastric Problems And R
    This 5,000 year old Tibetan recipe promises to cure numerable diseases; the surprising part is it is made up of just two ingredients, garlic and rum! So go ahead make it at home and use to regularly to treat gastric problems, impotence, high blood pressure, boost metabolism, promotes weight loss and cures rheumatism naturally.



    350 grams of garlic (peeled and mashed).
    200 ml of 95% of alcohol (make sure it has zero methanol or benzalkonium chloride) OR 200 ml of rum.


    Mix garlic and rum or alcohol in a sterilized glass bottle and store it for ten day in a cool place. After ten days strain the liquid, let it stay for 10 minutes and later add the liquid back into the bottle. Store in a refrigerator for two days and it’s ready for use!


    In a tall glass of warm water add several drop of this mixture and consume it just before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The mixture will lasts for 12 days with correct usage. Increase the number of drops in the warm water from breakfast to dinner for better effect.
    One Home Remedy To Cure Infertility, High Blood Pressure, Lung Diseases, Gastric Problems And R
    This mixture of pure garlic extract cleanses the body of fat naturally, it spikes the metabolism which results in blood vessels becoming more elastic. It also melts blood clots, treats gastritis, stomach ulcers and hemorrhoids. It absorbs all external and internal tumors, heals various disorders of sight and hearing, impotence. This ancient home remedy has health benefits for the entire body.
    *With inputs from foodnutrients.wordpress.com
    *Card Image Courtesy: Shutterstock