Looks like these days the marriage stars are shining for all those associated with cricket. Bhajji tied the knot recently and Yuvraj, after much kabhie haa-kabhie naa, finally got engaged to girlfriend Hazel Keech. And now it's the turn of actress-turned-cricket entrepreneur Preity Zinta.Though, as has become the fashion these days, PZ strenuously denied news of her impending marriage, sources close enough to her to be construed reliable, have told the diarist that in January the actress is slated to fly to the US where shewill be tying the knot with her American beau Gene Goodenough at a small and intimate ceremony. The two have been going steady for some time and it was Gene who stood by Preity throughout her fight with former lover Ness Wadia.
Looks like these days the marriage stars are shining for all those associated with cricket. Bhajji tied the knot recently and Yuvraj, after much kabhie haa-kabhie naa, finally got engaged to girlfriend Hazel Keech. And now it's the turn of actress-turned-cricket entrepreneur Preity Zinta.Though, as has become the fashion these days, PZ strenuously denied news of her impending marriage, sources close enough to her to be construed reliable, have told the diarist that in January the actress is slated to fly to the US where shewill be tying the knot with her American beau Gene Goodenough at a small and intimate ceremony. The two have been going steady for some time and it was Gene who stood by Preity throughout her fight with former lover Ness Wadia.
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