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    Monday, November 16, 2015

    Things You Must Never Say About Yourself

    Things You Must Never Say
    How you project yourself in front of other people, especially in the work arena, is very important. The way you treat yourself affects the way they perceive you. Which is why, you must be very careful about how you describe yourself. Under-confidence always shows. There are a lot of men out there who do not consider themselves good enough. But the truth is, you are awesome the way you are. And before people can realize it, you need to believe this. People are bound to take you on what you show them. Never let yourself down in front of people. There is nothing more demeaning than a man letting down himself. It’s time to change the way you look at things and more importantly, yourself. Let’s start with a few things that you must never say out aloud about yourself.

    I Don’t Think I Can Do It 

    Things You Must Never Say About Yourself
    You’re worth much more than you think. Keep trying and you’d be surprised by what you can achieve. You’re good enough and there is no reason why you ‘can not’ do it. Do not consider yourself incapable, without even giving it a try.

    I’m Supposed To Live Up To Their Expectations 

    Things You Must Never Say About Yourself
    If you should care about anybody’s expectations from you, it should only be ‘you’. Forget what people expect of you. You have your own aspirations, dreams and struggles and that’s what makes you unique. What they think of you doesn’t matter. Live life your way.

    I Need Recognition For My Work 

    Things You Must Never Say About Yourself
    You don’t. Of course everybody desires to be known for his work, but that should never be a prerequisite for you. Whether your work is worthwhile or not, can never be decided by the recognition you get. Do things because you believe in them, not just for credit.

    It’s Too Late Now 

    Things You Must Never Say About Yourself
    There is no point regretting what you did in the past. Instead, focus on what you ought to do today and make your future self proud of you for having done that. Don’t be discouraged so easily. If everybody keeps repeating it, there must be some truth to the saying ‘it’s never to late it’. It really never is.

    My Life Isn’t Easy

    Things You Must Never Say About Yourself
    Life never is – be it yours, mine or Shah Rukh Khan’s. Challenges make life momentous. It is because of these troubles and discomforts that you get wiser and stronger. It is doing you more good than harm, however much unapparent it may be. You don’t want to be the guy who victimised himself a little too much to gain sympathy, and gains anything but it in return.

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