• Breaking News

    Monday, October 12, 2015

    NASA's Recent Snaps Reveal The Exact Spot Where Matt Damon Walked The Planet In 'The Martian'

    NASA does it again; this time revealing the precise spot where the astronauts of the movie (as well as the novel) The Martian landed on the Red Planet. The image was taken by NASA's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera, currently aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. 
    NASA reveals exact spot where
    This spot marks the exact landing location for the 'Ares 3' and 'Ares 4' missions in the movie. NASA confirmed that the spot belongs in the Acidalia Planitia region on Mars, which was captured by the Mars Orbiter camera while flying past the planet. 
    The intent behind showing these images to the audience is two-fold. One, to reveal how the movie - since it was made in close collaboration with NASA - was a fact-based venture, and second, to use these 'observations' for the real Mars mission when it actually happens.