• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 18, 2015

    Hold Your Breath, World's Fastest Car Is On It's Way

    Many people are not familiar with Lyons Motor Car, but this New York-based start-up just introduced its LM2 Streamliner. Reminiscent of your wildest imagination, this car is powered by a 1700bhp, twin-turbocharged DOHC V8 engine, almost two Porsche 918s put together in one. The company claims that LM2 can sprint from 0 to 100kmph in just 2.2 seconds and has a top speed of 467 kmph.
    Hold Your Breath, World's Fastest Car Is On It's Way

    Hold Your Breath, World's Fastest Car Is On It's Way
    LM2 Streamliner is covered in a mind-bending, carbon-fibre that is modern and yet rooted to its 1960s design. Another interesting thing about this vehicle it’s the technology – most of the car’s features are fully programmable via iPhone or other smartphones. From rear wing activation to seat position, everything you can handle via your phone. Also you can program your car as per your requirement – do whatever you want, whenever you want it to.
    Hold Your Breath, World's Fastest Car Is On It's Way
    It will be fun watching a small start-up getting out and shaking things up.