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    Sunday, October 18, 2015

    9 Simple And Effective Home Remedies That Will Help You Quit Smoking

    quit smoking
    In today’s high stress, fast paced environment, cigarette smoking is a habit that a lot of people succumb to due to peer pressure, media influences, misinformation of physical effects, etc.
    A majority of smokers do not even realise (or ignore entirely) the effects smoking has on the body. It slows down the immune system and affects fertility as well.  Moreover, smoking has similar effects on the people around you that are inhaling smoke passively. 

    Mark Twain once said “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world, I know because I have done it thousands of times.” This statement is true as we have all heard the words ‘I quit for a while, but started again’, ‘I’m quitting tomorrow’ etc. Once it becomes habitual in nature, smoking becomes very hard to give up. With today’s fast paced lifestyles and emotional situations that influence one to smoke cigarettes anyway, spending extra time on trying to quit seems like a task. Here are a few almost effortless home remedies that are known to relieve smokers of this habit:

    1. Oats

    Quit Smoking Using These 7 Home Remedies One At A Time
    Oats help to flush out the harmful toxins from the body while lowering the craving for smoking. It also helps in easing up the withdrawal symptoms. Heat one tablespoon of oats in two cups and leave it to set overnight. Right before consuming, heat the oat mix again and drink after every meal.

    2. Water

    Quit Smoking Using These 7 Home Remedies One At A Time
    Water is the human body’s best friend. It flushes out toxins like no other substance. Drink one glass of cold water 15 minutes before every meal for a balanced metabolic rate and keep sipping throughout the day. This cleanses the body and helps with the task at hand.

    3. Grapeseed extract

    Quit Smoking Using These 7 Home Remedies One At A Time
    Grapeseed extract is alkaline in nature. It helps reduce the acidity of the blood and damage caused to the lungs and body due to smoking.

    4. Honey

    Quit Smoking Using These 7 Home Remedies One At A Time
    Honey is an excellent remedy in handling the cessation process of smoking. Honey contains beneficial vitamins, enzymes and proteins, which help in giving up the habit of smoking with ease. Try using organic honey for less artificial flavours and better results.

    5. Radish

    Quit Smoking Using These 7 Home Remedies One At A Time
    Grated radish also affects the acidity of the body caused due to continuous cigarette smoking. This remedy is very effective for chain smokers and addicts. It works even better when consumed with honey.

    6. Licorice (Mulethi)

    Quit Smoking Using These 7 Home Remedies One At A Time
    One of the most opted natural remedies to refrain oneself from smoking is chewing a licorice stick whenever you feel the urge to smoke. This is a good substitute for a cigarette. It curbs the urge to smoke and regulates the digestive system. And let’s face it, it's way more economical than an E-cigarette.

    7. Cayenne Pepper

    quit smoking
    Cayenne pepper helps in desensitizing the respiratory system to all addictive things. It also helps contain the urge to smoke. Include the spice in your diet or add a few pinches to a glass of water. The relief is almost immediate but it also works long term.

    8. Ginseng

    Quit Smoking Using These 7 Home Remedies One At A Time
    Ginseng is found to be very effective in reducing nicotine craving. Get into the habit of having green tea infused with aloe vera and ginseng, twice a day, and you will not only kick the bud out of your life but also enjoy the health benefits of green tea, aloe vera and ginseng.

    9. CoEnzyme Q-10

    CoEnzyme Q-10 is an enzyme obtained from natural fermented material. This enzyme is a powerful antioxidant. It not only reduces the nicotine craving, but also repairs the lungs damaged by smoking.
    According to a recently conducted study, the average Indian smoker consumes about 8.2 cigarettes a day. Another way of quitting is by using nicotine replacement therapy and as reports suggest use the 24 hour nicotine transdermal patch which are now available in India as well. They have shown to have high patient compliance and reduce morning cravings.
    Quit Smoking Using These 7 Home Remedies One At A Time
    The first step towards giving up the evidently harmful habit of smoking is, as cliché as it may sound, acceptance. Once you have decided to quit smoking, the only potential obstacle in your path is you. The aforementioned home remedies are quick, easy and highly effective if followed correctly. Combining two or more of these remedies has also proved to increase the rate of change in terms of the urge to pick up a cigarette. The important thing to remember is that as much as your mind may believe that you need to smoke, your body deserves better from you.

    *Data Courtesy: Dr. Manisha Karamkar from Rusan Healthcare
    *Card Image Courtesy: Shutterstock