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    Monday, October 26, 2015

    9 Gorgeous Islands That Show You How Simple It Is To Live Off The Grid

    Sustainability and self-sufficiency might be a far fetched dream for India, but it isn't for many other places. Islands in different parts of the world are investing in ambitious renewable energy projects and choosing to live off the grid. Take a look at 9 islands that are giving us hope that a better future is possible. 

    1. Eigg Island, Scotland 

    Eigg Island
    Eigg Island is the only place on earth that is 100 % self-sustainable. The residents of this island have proved to the world that it’s possible to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. The island gets most of its power from solar and wind energy. 

    2. Lasqueti, Canada 

    Lasqueti Islands Canada
    Lasqueti is located a few hours away from Vancouver island. The residents are proud to live in isolation, away from mainstream culture and mainland Canada. Interestingly, some residents use solar panels and wind mills to satisfy their electricity needs, while some choose to live without electricity.  

    3. Samso, Denmark 

    Samso or Samsoe is located 15 km off the Jutland peninsula. Since 1997, Samso has been aiming to become a renewable energy community. Energy supply comes from biomass and wind energy. However, their long term plan is to become a fossil free island getting rid of oil, coal and gas by 2030. 

    4. Reykjavik, Iceland 

    Reyjavik uses only 19% energy from fossil fuel sources and the rest of it comes from from geothermal and hydrogen power. For this island, the break from fossil fuel resources started back in 1907. It was after repeated attempts that the geothermal heating system took a high in the 1940s. Today, this is the greenest city in the world and it’s going to become an example for the rest of the world. 

    5. Bonaire, Netherlands 

    Bonaire View
    In 2007, the local government of Bonaire invested in a project that aimed at thrashing its dependence on fossil fuel sources. They started with building a wind farm, biodiesel plant and backup battery. Additionally, this island promotes eco-tourism and is a great place for scuba diving and snorkeling. 

    6. King Island, Australia 

    King Island
    King Island is located in the Bass strait, between Australia and Tasmania. The island tied up with Hydro Tasmania, a renewable energy company, to reduce fossil fuel use. In 2013, these islands comfortably survived periods of zero diesel operation. The islands are now looking at policies to develop a renewable future.  

    7. Solomon Islands

    Solomon Islands
    These islands have been inhabited since thousands of years. The island is developed by a team of renewable energy developers. In fact, the government has planned a scheme that allows locals access to solar, wind and hydro energy. In fact, Solomon islands come under the terrestrial eco-regions. More than 200 varieties of orchids and tropical flowers are found here. 

    8. El Hierro, Canary Islands 

    El Hierro
    El Hierro is on its way to become the first island in the world to become self-sufficient. With the help of financial aid from the European Government, a local body has invested in a hydro and wind power project. The global energy crisis and problems related to climate change pushed them towards renewable energy. 

    9. Aruba 

    Aruba Island
    Aruba is an island country located in the Caribbean Sea. Aruba plans to use alternative sources of energy, instead of fossil plans. In fact, the government announced that they are planning on making a sustainable resort. The island already produces potable water at a desalination plant, and going forward, they have big plans to permanently shift to electric cars and start generating electricity through solar plants.