• Breaking News

    Friday, October 9, 2015

    10 Things That Will Happen In The Next 60 Seconds

    Some of us know the value of time and some of us don’t. A minute is considered nothing these days. But there are lots of things which will happen in the world in next 60 seconds. We made list of things that will happen in the next one minute.

    1. 18 out of 107 total deaths in next 60 seconds will be because of starvation.


    2. On the other side, 4,500 McDonalds burgers will be eaten.


    3. Nearly 1800 stars will explode.


    4. More than 2000 trees will be cut in rain forests.


    5. The average citizen of earth will be 1 penny richer (1/100 of a dollar).

    Male hand holding coins

    6. But a Nike factory worker in Vietnam will make only 1/10 of a penny.


    7. And Mr. Bill Gates will be make about $15,000 in same time.


    8. A hummingbird will flap its wings 4,000 times.


    9. About 960 million tons of water will evaporate from the surface of the Earth.


    10. 250 babies will be born, 113 of them will be born into poverty and 15 will have birth defects.
